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Fager - MARTIN FL Sweet Iron Fixed Rings

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Fager - MARTIN FL Sweet Iron Fixed Rings
Product Details
Brand: Fager
Availability: Various sizes in shop. For other sizes, allow 3-6 weeks for delivery depending on vendor availability.

New centerpiece design.

Fager Martin is recommended if you would describe your horse as the following;

  • Doesn’t instinctively seek out the contact.
  • Constantly drops behind the bit.
  • Sticks their tongue out.
  • Frantically chew on the bit.

Fager Martin is a double-jointed Sweet Iron bit featuring a Front Lock system.

Martin offers outstanding stability and comfort. When the horse is working, the Front lock is there to assist, whatever the positioning of the head. From a low position (stretching out) or higher (over a jump), the closure continues to work even if the reins pull the bit upwards; making the bit turn downwards – this is where a regular lockup system would fail. It also makes it considerably more forgiving against any unexpected movements of your hands.

Martin is also a great solution for youngsters as it lies still inside the mouth without taking up too much space.

If you are searching for a gentle, kind bit for a sensitive horse, we would definitely recommend trying Fager Martin.

Martin is also an ideal bit to alternative regularly with other bits to vary the pressure points ensuring a more consistent, focused communication.

Approved for competition? Check it out here!

10.5 cm 4 " 12 mm 60 mm
11.5 cm 4½ " 12 mm 60 mm
12.5 cm 5 " 14 mm 65 mm
13.5 cm 5¼ " 14 mm 65 mm
14.5 cm 5¾ " 14 mm 65 mm

Normal in size, if you are between two sizes then choose the larger one.

The HORSE logo should always be on your horse's right side, facing forward.

BIT GUIDE & INFORMATION from Fager. (Includes a printable bit measuring tool.)


  • Sweet iron is meant to rust. Most horses love the taste it gives.
  • When you receive your bit it has protection oil to prevent it from start rusting before being used. It might make the bit look a bit filthy as first sight. The oil can be either cleaned with a simple towel/paper before start using it or not. The oil is harmless for the horse.
  • If you want to delay the rusting process, wipe the bit dry after every use.
  • Do you think your bit is too rusty after a long time use? Put the sweet iron in Coca Cola and the rust will go away. It is the phosphorus in Coca Cola that makes the rust dissolve. Please be careful using any other strong chemicals with phosphorus in it! Coca Cola works fine, we promise.
    Note that the blue color of the sweet iron will go away or fade along with the rust when you choose to do this.

Flugar Icelandic Gear is the Canadian dealer for Astund, Hrimnir, Karlslund, Top Reiter & Casco and proudly offer their products.

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