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Hrimnir - Dbl Broken, Volcano, Curved Sidebars, Eggbutt

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Hrimnir - Dbl Broken, Volcano, Curved Sidebars, Eggbutt
Product Details
Brand: Hrímnir
Availability: In shop

Hrimnir recommends choosing this bit one size larger (+0.5 cm) than their other bits, because of its curved shape.

The link piece of this bit is twisted 45° to offer a better fit and more comfort for the horse. The short and rounded link fits well in the oral cavity of the horse, and the comparatively long sidebars make it less likely that they get pulled out of the corners of the mouth during riding. The sidebars are curved to the front.

Because the oral cavity of the horse is filled with the big tongue muscle, there is not much space left for a bit to fit in. Therefore, we designed a slimmer bit (12 mm) to maximize comfort for the horse.

This bit is made of a unique nickel-free copper alloy that stimulates increased salivation to encourage a softer and more responsive mouth.

The eggbutt shape of the bit rings make the bit more stable and comfortable for the horse, especially during sideways aids from the reins.

Our bits are made with high quality workmanship. Their unique and elegant ornamentation is based on ancient Viking designs.

The L stamp on the bit ring ensures you always know how to attach the bit correctly to the headstall, just make sure it is on the lower left side!


  • Double- jointed
  • Unique nickel-free copper alloy for increased salivation
  • Slim (12 mm) and curved mouthpiece for more comfort
  • 45° twist in mouthpiece for a better fit
  • Rounded short link and long sidebars
  • Eggbutt bit rings for extra comfort and stability
  • High quality workmanship and unique ornamentation
  • EUIPO registered design
  • “L” Stamp: should be in lower left side

All Hrimnir bits come in shorter widths recommended by experts for the majority of Icelandic horses.

WHICH SIZE TO CHOOSE? (Regular Hrimnir bits)

There is no general rule for which bit width fits your horse. Each horse has its individual conformation and needs. We recommend measuring the width of your horse’s mouth at the corners of the mouth or to try different widths of bits in order to see what size fits best. The bit should not be longer than the width of the mouth by more than 1 cm. That means that the bit should not protrude more than 0,5 cm on each side of the mouth.

The bit rings should lie stable at the corners of the mouth, but without pressing onto the cheeks. When pressure is applied to the reins (especially sideways pressure), the bit should lie stable in the mouth and not move the cheeks. Try to put pressure on only one rein and see how the bit moves. If the sidebars of the bit move more than 1 cm out of the mouth, the bit is probably too wide.

Flugar Icelandic Gear is the Canadian dealer for Astund, Hrimnir, Karlslund, Top Reiter & Casco and proudly offer their products.

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